International MEDIA Relations for tech companies

Getting noticed by the media is not easy. Searching for the right technology specialist PR agency takes time. Then, you must trust them to be proactive, to have the technical knowledge and media intelligence necessary, to learn about your company and its technology products, and to look for opportunities while respecting the existing strategies. Sometimes, the most challenging part about getting noticed is finding the right PR partner.

Then add the complexity of an international reach. Different geography, languages, time zones, media, customs, business practices, messages… think global, act local… but how?

Here’s how we do it. We have experienced and professionally qualified client management teams in your target countries. These PR professionals work with you and your existing internal and agency teams to build a strategy for your international reach. All our teams specialize in technology - in fact, we ONLY work with technology clients.

We aim to manage and shape the communication between your organization and the international news media. If done well, it is a strategic communication tool that helps organizations to promote their mission, values, and activities to a global audience.

We identify key international media outlets and journalists, create and disseminate press releases, arrange interviews and press conferences, and provide background information and expert commentary on issues relevant to our clients. We also monitor the coverage and address any inaccuracies or misrepresentations.

Our goal is to build and maintain positive relationships with the international media, to ensure that your business’s message is accurately and fairly represented in the global media, and to increase your visibility and credibility among international audiences.

This type of international media relations is a critical component of your overall communication strategy, as it helps to shape public perceptions of your organization and your activities and can influence policy decisions, funding, and other key areas of your organization.

We get great results because we deeply understand the cultural, political, and economic context of the countries where you operate and the ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages. It's essential to work with local media and have a local team to help adapt the message to the local context and culture.

We also have some pretty advanced AI that we use to get deeper insight and understanding of our client’s customers and the media we work with. It’s one of our secret sauces.

It’s simple, really.


GLOBAL ADVERTISING for technology companies

AWe implement international advertising to promote products, services, or brands to decision-makers in multiple countries or regions.

 Our media advertising services provide clients with an array of media services, including media analysis, media planning, and buying through a network of well-established contacts in all media categories throughout North America and Globally. We cover all media, including Print & Inserts, Digital (Desktop & Mobile), Out-of-Home & Transit (Traditional & Digital), Broadcast Radio & Television, and other specialty media for businesses of all sizes.  

Our client campaigns typically use various media channels, such as television, radio, print, and digital platforms, to reach customers in different countries or regions. They often require significant research and planning, as well as careful testing and evaluation, to ensure that they are effective in different cultures and markets. This includes researching the target market, understanding the cultural and linguistic differences, and each country's regulations, laws, and restrictions.

Some of the key elements of our effective campaign management include:

  • Identifying target audiences and tailoring messages to appeal to them

  • Researching cultural, economic, and political differences across different markets

  • Using local languages and culturally relevant images and themes

  • Adhering to local regulations and laws

International advertising can be a complex and challenging process. Still, it can also be a very effective way to reach and influence your customers worldwide and to build brand awareness and loyalty in new markets. We take out the complexity to bring you the results. 

We get great results because of our deep understanding of cultural, economic, and political differences across different markets and the ability to adapt advertising messages and strategies to reach and influence target audiences in those markets effectively.

DIGITAL MARKETING for tech companies

Our digital marketing practice promotes products, services, or brands using digital channels like the internet, social media, search engines, mobile devices, email, and other digital platforms.

While digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses various tactics and strategies, this will differ by client and typically include some elements of search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising (PPC), and more. 

Our digital marketing solutions aim to reach and engage with your customers where they spend most of their time, which is increasingly online. We can use digital channels to reach a wider audience, track and analyze consumer behavior, and adapt real-time marketing strategies.

Some of the key elements of our digital marketing include:

  • Website development and optimization: A professional, user-friendly website optimized for search engines is essential for digital marketing success.

  • Content marketing: Creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a defined audience.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimizing a website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERP)

  • Social media marketing: Using social media platforms to promote products, services, or brands and engage with customers.

  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC): Running ads on search engines, social media platforms, and other websites and only paying when someone clicks on the ad.

  • Email marketing: Sending targeted, personalized emails to existing and potential customers to promote products, services, or brands.

  • Mobile marketing: Reaching customers on their mobile devices through SMS, mobile apps, and mobile web.

Our digital marketing services allow you to reach a large audience, measure the impact of the marketing efforts in real-time, and quickly adapt these strategies to maximize your return on investment (ROI).


Direct response for technology companies

We perform continuous prospecting to identify highly qualified leads so your sales team can focus on closing more deals.  

Our direct response marketing is a type of marketing that aims to elicit an immediate response from your customers, such as a phone call, email, or a visit to a website, with the goal of generating a sale or lead. It is a results-driven marketing approach that focuses on measuring the effectiveness of each campaign and adjusting strategies based on the data collected.

Some of the key elements of our direct response marketing include:

  • A clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA): Our direct response marketing messages always include a clear and compelling call-to-action that urges the customer to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or requesting more information.

  • A sense of urgency: Our direct response marketing messages always create a sense of urgency by using limited time offers or other incentives to encourage the customer to take action quickly.

  • Measurable results: Our direct response marketing campaigns are designed to generate measurable results, such as website visits, phone calls, or sales, which can be tracked and analyzed to determine the campaign's effectiveness.

  • Use of data and testing: Our direct response marketers use data and testing to optimize your campaigns; this includes A/B testing, multivariate testing, and machine learning to improve conversion rates.

  • Use of specific channels: Our direct response marketing campaigns are often disseminated through specific channels such as telemarketing, direct mail, or email marketing, which allow our marketers to target specific groups of customers and track the results of the campaign.

The NettResults direct response marketing service can be an effective way for businesses to generate leads, increase sales, and build customer relationships. It allows us to measure the effectiveness of each campaign and adjust its strategies accordingly.

WRITTEN AND VIDEO CONTENT for Technology Companies

You know good copy when you read it. You know inspiring video when you view it.

We create both for our clients.

Our content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience with the goal of driving profitable customer action. It is a long-term marketing strategy focusing on building customer relationships by providing them with useful and informative content.

Some of the key elements of our content marketing include:

  • Creating valuable and relevant content: Our content is useful and informative for the target audience; it provides them with solutions to their problems and answers their questions.

  • Distribution: Our content is shared through various channels, such as social media, email, and the company's website.

  • Consistency: Our content marketing is a consistent effort over time; it should be part of a long-term strategy, not just a one-time campaign.

  • Measuring and analyzing results: The effectiveness of our content marketing strategy is measured and analyzed; this includes tracking website traffic, social media engagement, and conversions.

  • Storytelling: Our Content often uses storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience; it uses stories, characters, and plots to make the content more engaging and memorable.

  • Optimization: Our content is optimization for search engines to increase the visibility of the content; this includes using keywords, meta tags, and links.

NettResults content marketing can be an effective way for your businesses to attract and retain customers by providing them with valuable information and building trust. It can also help to improve brand awareness, increase website traffic, and ultimately drive sales.

Innovation… Web3, Meta, LLM, NLP, AI… and more

Web3, also known as Web 3.0, is the next evolution of the internet, following Web 1.0 (static content) and Web 2.0 (interactive content). It is often referred to as the "decentralized web" because it aims to give users more control over their online data and activities using decentralized technologies such as blockchain and peer-to-peer networks. 

Look, we know this is controversial. Is Web3 really a thing… or is it nothing… read on…

Web3 is built on top of blockchain and other decentralized technologies, it enables the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) that can operate without the need for centralized intermediaries, such as banks, governments, or corporations.

Web3 is based on the idea of decentralization, the distribution of data and power among many different participants, rather than having it all concentrated in a few large organizations. Web3 technologies allow for creation of decentralized platforms that are more transparent, secure, and resistant to censorship than traditional web platforms.

Web3 also allows for the creation of decentralized digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written into lines of code.

Web3 is still in its early stages and is continuously evolving, it is expected to bring new possibilities for data privacy, online identity, and online marketplaces, among other use cases. Like, the metaverse… which may be a significant innovation this century. Or maybe it won’t. What is certain, is that this development is not an isolated event. The metaverse development is just one part of a much more significant digital technology transformation.

Oh, and should we start talking about how large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing marketing (LLMs are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that uses deep learning techniques and massively large data sets to understand, summarize, generate and predict new content)? LLMs have been gaining traction in the world of natural language processing (NLP) due to their ability to process massive amounts of text and generate accurate results. These models are trained on large datasets, which contain hundreds of millions to billions of words.

All these technological advances are drastically changing how companies think about how they interact with their customers.

Don’t know where to start? That’s why companies turn to NettResults. We have some of the leading thinkers in these area and can work with you today to assist with the latest technologies and trends – so you are ready for the future.